Sunday, June 21, 2015

Introduction To Cyber Security And Ethical Hacking

 Get introduced with the world of hacking and security

Hacker is a word by which everyone gets an image of a person who do malicious and illegal activities like breaking some bank account code, any security lock or harming some organization's softwares or taking personal revenge from anyone. But they are always not the bad guys. Lets learn about it.

Cyber Security :

Security can be described by the methods or techniques applied to the computing devices like smartphones, computers, any security system, or networking, to make them secure and protected against the malicious hackers.

Ethical Hacking :

The term Ethical hacking or ethical hacker describes hacking a system or network of an organization, with the permission or on request of the owner, in order to improve its security, by finding loopholes or weaknesses which can be exploited by the malicious hackers.They are the ones, trusted and employed by the organization who penetrate their systems using the techniques a hacker would use. The organization could then improve the security systems, removing or fixing the problems to prevent the attacks by hackers. To beat a hacker, the ethical hackers have to think like them only.

Types of Hackers :


(1). Black Hat Hackers :

They are the ones whom most of the people pretend what the hackers are really like. They work illegally and perform malicious activities.They uses their skills for bad, unethical, and criminal purposes. They always do destructive works like bringing down a website, making changes in data, exploiting an organization by changing their software data or programs,etc. They breaks the system security for destructing or data stealing purpose.They usually work for money or may be for taking personal revenge.
You might also have heard a name "Cracker". A Cracker is just a hacker who destroys the systems.
Some famous black hat hackers :

Albert Gonzalez 
Vladimir Levin 
Kevin Mitnick, etc.

(2). White Hat Hackers :

 They penetrate a system or network of an organization, with permission of its owner or on behalf of the owner for the purpose of checking the security, finding loopholes in the security of the system. They uses their skills and abilities for good, ethical, and legal purposes. They tend to check the security against hackers. They find the vulnerability and fix it with permission.
 Some famous white hat hackers :
Steve Wozniak 
Linus Torvalds
Richard Stallman, etc.

(3). Grey Hat Hackers :

They can act either as a White Hat Hackers or as Black Hat Hackers at times, accordingly. They look for vulnerabilities and penetrate the systems unethically, without the permission of the owner, which is illegal. They tend to find the vulnerabilities and may ask the owner to fix them for money. They usually do not tend to harm the systems.

Some famous grey hat hackers :
Albert Gonzalez 

(4). Script Kiddies :

Script Kiddies or Skiddies are not actually the hackers. They are usually not skilled for programming or hacking tricks but attempt to attack systems, networks or websites, by copying codes, learning from internet or may be any other resource. This category mainly includes anxious students or kids. They usually do it for fun.

An interesting thing to try out :

  • Try out the website- (It gives the constant updates of everything like number of websites hacked on current day, total number of internet users at current time, etc). 

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