Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Meta center

Meta Center

Metacentre, also spelled metacenter, in fluid mechanics, the theoretical point at which an imaginary vertical line passing through the centre of buoyancy and centre of gravity intersects the imaginary vertical line through a new centre of buoyancy created when the body is displaced, or tipped, in the water, however little.

The centre of buoyancy of a floating body is the point about which all the body parts exactly buoy each other—in other words, the effective centre of the displaced water. The metacentre remains directly above the centre of buoyancy regardless of the tilt of a floating body, such as a ship. When at rest on even keel, the vessel’s centre of buoyancy is directly below the centre of gravity as well as below the metacentre. (The centre of gravity is the point in a body about which all parts of the body balance each other.) When a vessel tilts, one side displaces more water than does the other, and the centre of buoyancy moves and is no longer directly under the centre of gravity, but, regardless of the amount of the tilt, the centre of buoyancy remains directly below the metacentre. If the metacentre is above the centre of gravity, buoyancy restores stability when the ship tilts. The stability increases with the distance between metacentre and centre of gravity, called the metacentric height. If the metacentre is below the centre of gravity, the boat is unstable, and a tilt results in capsizing.

Monday, May 11, 2015

A Textbook of Machine Design by R.S.KHURMI AND J.K.GUPTA

Here we are providing e book machine drawing by R.S. KHURMI AND J.K.GUPTA


A Textbook Of Machine Design is useful for students preparing for entrance exams like UPSC Engineering Services exam, AMIE (India) examinations. It is also recommended for students studying BTech, BE, and other professional courses related to machine design. The book is systematic and is presented in clear and simple language.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Bourdon Pressure Gauge

Bourdon gauge

The Bourdon pressure gauge uses the principle that a flattened tube tends to change to a more circular cross-section when pressurized. Although this change in cross-section may be hardly noticeable, the displacement of the material of the tube is magnified by forming the tube into a C shape or even a helix, such that the entire tube tends to straighten out or uncoil, elastically, as it is pressurized.
Figure 3 (left) Bourdon gauge (right) Mechanism of the Bourdon gauge

Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines - Dr. R. K. Bansal Pdf free Download


 A Text Book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines - Dr. R. K. Bansal  Pdf free Download

Textbook of fluid mechanics by R K Bansal is very popular book of Fluid mechanics for undergraduate students studying Mechanical engineering or other related.

This has great combination of both theory and numerical. book is also useful for student who is prepared for competition examination GATE, IES or any other.

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